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Commission assesses countries’ progress towards adopting the euro

Published by EU Agriculture
The Commission has reported on the progress of Bulgaria, Czechia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Sweden towards adopting the euro.

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EU opens accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova

Published by EU Agriculture
Statement by President von der Leyen on opening accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova, via video message

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Market surveys on the EU Interconnectivity and eXchange Platform (EU-IXP)

Published by EU Agriculture
We invite economic operators to provide feedback on the future replacement solution for the Trans-European Services for Telematics between administrations (TESTA) network by 22 July.

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EU adopts 14th package of sanctions against Russia

Published by EU Agriculture
The EU adopts the 14th package of sanctions against Russia. The new package responds to the needs and findings on the ground, and tackles enforcement issues.

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Results of 24-06-2024 auction (EU-Bonds)

Published by EU Agriculture
Auction results EU-Bonds.

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Joint press statement for the meeting between Vice President Vera Jourová of the European Commission (responsible for Values and Transparency) and Chairperson Shizuo Fuji

Published by EU Agriculture
Draft joint press statement for the meeting between Vice President Vera Jourová of the European Commission (responsible for Values and Transparency) and Chairperson Shizuo Fujiwara of the Personal Information Protection Commission of Japan

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Vice-President Jourová met with Chairperson Fujiwara to discuss EU-Japan cooperation on safe data flows

Published by EU Agriculture
Today, Vice-President for Values and Transparency, Věra Jourová met with Shizuo Fujiwara, Chairperson of the Personal Information Protection Commission of Japan, in Brussels.

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EU funds worth €750 million for vaccine manufacturing in Africa

Published by EU Agriculture
The EU and its Member States will contribute over €750 million, including close to €220 million from the EU budget, to the new African Vaccines Manufacturing Accelerator.

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EU budget: funding Europe's 2025 priorities

Published by EU Agriculture
The Commission has proposed an annual EU budget of almost €200 billion for 2025, reinforced by €72 billion raised under the post-COVID recovery plan, NextGenerationEU. It is meant to finance EU priorities and help tackle current and future challenges.

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Commission provides policy guidance to EU countries to boost competitiveness

Published by EU Agriculture
The European Commission has provided policy guidance to EU countries under the 2024 European Semester Spring package to build a robust and future-proof economy.

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Announcement of next auction (EU-Bonds) on 24-06-2024

Published by EU Agriculture
Auction announcement EU-Bonds.

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Results of 19-06-2024 auction (EU-Bills)

Published by EU Agriculture
Auction results EU-Bills.

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President von der Leyen calls for a “comprehensive, just and sustainable peace” for Ukraine at Summit on Peace

Published by EU Agriculture
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen participated at the Summit on Peace in Ukraine that brought together about 100 delegations on 15-16 June, where she called for a comprehensive, just and sustainable peace for Ukraine.

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L'instrument d'appui technique soutient les États membres dans la préparation de leurs plans nationaux de mise en œuvre du pacte sur la migration et l'asile

Published by EU Agriculture
Suite à l'entrée en vigueur du Pacte sur la migration et l'asile, et à l'adoption de la Communication sur le « Plan commun de mise en œuvre du Pacte sur la migration et l'asile », la Commission a lancé aujourd'hui un appel à propositions spécifique dans le cadre de l'Instrument d'appui technique.

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Announcement of next auction (EU-Bills) on 19-06-2024

Published by EU Agriculture
Auction announcement EU-Bills.

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Setting out a plan to put the Migration and Asylum Pact into practice

Published by EU Agriculture
The Commission presented today the Common Implementation Plan for the Pact on Migration and Asylum to ensure everything is in place by June 2026 to turn the legislative acts into reality.

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Commission and Belgian Council Presidency launch the 12th Meeting of the High Level Group on combating hate speech and hate crime

Published by EU Agriculture
On 12th and 13th June 2024, the Commission and the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU jointly organise the 12th meeting of the High Level Group on combating hate speech and hate crime.

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EU bolsters support for Ukraine’s recovery

Published by EU Agriculture
Nearly 900 days after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, a Ukraine Recovery Conference is being held in Berlin to help ensure that Ukraine can continue to defend itself.

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World Food Safety Day 2024

Published by EU Agriculture
Even though the EU has among the highest standards of food safety in the world, the importance of food safety cannot be understated. That is why every year we commemorate World Food Safety Day on this day.

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World Environment Day 2024

Published by EU Agriculture
On 5 June, we celebrate World Environment Day. Established by the United Nations in 1972, it is the largest international environmental event with millions of people participating worldwide. It has evolved into a prominent global platform for promoting environmental awareness.

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